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Command list

!commands / !cmdsShows the available commands.PN Tests
!rankShows your fastest time on the currently hosted test.PN Tests
!rank JazzShows the fastest time on the currently hosted test for the player named "Jazz".PN Tests
!whois (number)Shows the player that got ranked at the number of the input.PN Tests
!timeShows the time that has passed since you started the test.PN Tests
!time JazzShows the time that has passed since the player named "Jazz" started the test.PN Tests
!nextStarts a countdown to cycle the level.PN Tests
!noHalts an active countdown for cycling the level.PN Tests
!forcenextCycles the level instantly. This requires the player to win the test in the current game.PN Tests
!ghostrunsEnable / disable ghost runsPN Tests
!saveghostSaves your ghost run on your local computer.PN Tests
!watchghostWatch available ghost runs.PN Tests
!forcenextCycles the level instantly. This requires the player to win the test in the current game.PN Tests
!resetResets the time limit. This command does not work during pregame.PN Tests
!showwarpsShows nearby warps, float ups, wind events and sucker tubes.PN Tests
!megashowwarpsShows nearby warps, float ups and wind events, but at a greater range and brighter. Ideal for invisible warps!PN Tests
!showtimeToggles on-screen timer counting how long you've been playing a test.PN Tests
!kMakes your rabbit explode.PN Tests, PN Relaxer
!quicksuicideToggles quick suicide for spawning faster to the start pos when applying the !k command.PN Tests
!topShows top 3 players with the fastest time in the currently hosted test.PN Tests
!countShows the number of players who passed the currently hosted test.PN Tests
!rateDisplays a dialog that lets you rate or comment on the currently hosted test. Use the arrow keys to navigate.PN Tests
!ratingShows the rating of the currently hosted test.PN Tests
!showareasToggles the visibility of the "ini", "level 1" and "win" areas.PN Tests
!levels / !lvlsDisplays how many levels are in the currently hosted test.PN Tests
!autoquirks (on/off)Toggles quirks mode and keeps it enabled / disabled each time you join the server.PN Tests
!gridToggles grid.PN Tests
!(show)masksLights up nearby masks.PN Tests
!showtimerToggles on-screen timer that shows how long you have been playing the test.PN Tests
!jazzMorphs you into Jazz.PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena***
!spazMorphs you into Spaz.PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena***
!loriMorphs you into Lori. TSF required.PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena***
!hideplayersHides everyone else from your screen.PN Tests
!lookaroundView the map around you without going into Spectator Mode.PN Tests
!nodetailRemoves every layer of the level, except for layer 4.PN Tests, PN Arena
!c (filename)Cycles to a specified level.PN Arena
!startgamePrepares the game for a CTF match in the current level, followed by a countdownPN Arena
!resetgameResets the game, including the time limit, scores, the carrot positions and re-spawns objects.PN Arena
!resetsettingsCycles to a level which reloads the default server settings.PN Arena
!h (on/off)Toggles "h?" mutator that automatically tells your teammates your health in chat.PN Arena
!weaponmega (on/off)Toggles "Weapon Mega" mutator.PN Arena
!arcaneweapons (on/off)Toggles "Arcane Weapons" mutator.PN Arena
!uppercut (on/off)Toggles "Uppercut" mutator that gives Jazz an improved version of his signature uppercut.PN Arena
!mutespectatorsMutes all spectators who are currently in the server.PN Arena
!unmutespectatorsUnmutes all spectators who are currently muted.PN Arena
!bind (number) (key)Bind a weapon key to a key of your likings. Example: !bind 4 K will bind seekers to key K.PN Arena
!resetbindsReverts the weapon keys to its original state: 1 for blaster, 2 for bouncers, etc.PN Arena
!rndpickCycles to a random level from within the mappool.PN Arena
!coinflipFlips a coin for making decisions that no human being is capable of.PN Arena
!spectate (on/off)Enable or disables Spectator Mode.PN Arena****
!sent (on/off)Toggles a mutator for changing team flags into country flags. Type colour=country when enabled. Ex: red=ukPN Arena
!oldslope (on/off)Restores the behaviour when going down the slopes by running off into the air instead of sticking to the floor.PN Arena

* This command is only available during pregame.

** This command is only available when player is wearing the [ini] tag.

*** This command is only available prior to the start of a game.

**** Spectator Mode can't be disabled during an ongoing game. However, an admin of any rank can
use /forcespectate (id) off to make the player join an ongoing game.

Admin Commands

!showallShows the whole list of records for the current level.PN Tests
!export (filename)Exports the records for the currently hosted test to a file specified.PN Tests
!import (filename)Imports the records for the currently hosted test from a file specified.PN Tests
!renamerecord (id) (new name)Renames the recordholder.PN Tests
!erase (player name)Erases the record from the specified player.PN Tests
!remove (player name)Removes the record from the specified player.PN Tests
!delete (player name)Deletes the record from the specified player.PN Tests
!resetratingResets the rating for the current level.PN Tests
!mute (player ID) (minutes) (reason)Mutes a player globally. Optionally, a time limit and reason can be added.Any, except for PN Battle
!unmute (player ID)Unmutes a globally muted player.Any, except for PN Battle
!ban (player ID) (reason)Bans a player from the server for one hour. Optionally, a reason can be added.PN Arena

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