Command | Action | Server | |
!commands / !cmds | Shows the available commands. | PN Tests | |
!rank | Shows your fastest time on the currently hosted test. | PN Tests | |
!rank Jazz | Shows the fastest time on the currently hosted test for the player named "Jazz". | PN Tests | |
!whois (number) | Shows the player that got ranked at the number of the input. | PN Tests | |
!time | Shows the time that has passed since you started the test. | PN Tests | |
!time Jazz | Shows the time that has passed since the player named "Jazz" started the test. | PN Tests | |
!next | Starts a countdown to cycle the level. | PN Tests | |
!no | Halts an active countdown for cycling the level. | PN Tests | |
!forcenext | Cycles the level instantly. This requires the player to win the test in the current game. | PN Tests | |
!ghostruns | Enable / disable ghost runs | PN Tests | |
!saveghost | Saves your ghost run on your local computer. | PN Tests | |
!watchghost | Watch available ghost runs. | PN Tests | |
!forcenext | Cycles the level instantly. This requires the player to win the test in the current game. | PN Tests | |
!reset | Resets the time limit. This command does not work during pregame. | PN Tests | |
!showwarps | Shows nearby warps, float ups, wind events and sucker tubes. | PN Tests | |
!megashowwarps | Shows nearby warps, float ups and wind events, but at a greater range and brighter. Ideal for invisible warps! | PN Tests | |
!showtime | Toggles on-screen timer counting how long you've been playing a test. | PN Tests | |
!k | Makes your rabbit explode. | PN Tests, PN Relaxer | |
!quicksuicide | Toggles quick suicide for spawning faster to the start pos when applying the !k command. | PN Tests | |
!top | Shows top 3 players with the fastest time in the currently hosted test. | PN Tests | |
!count | Shows the number of players who passed the currently hosted test. | PN Tests | |
!rate | Displays a dialog that lets you rate or comment on the currently hosted test. Use the arrow keys to navigate. | PN Tests | |
!rating | Shows the rating of the currently hosted test. | PN Tests | |
!showareas | Toggles the visibility of the "ini", "level 1" and "win" areas. | PN Tests | |
!levels / !lvls | Displays how many levels are in the currently hosted test. | PN Tests | |
!autoquirks (on/off) | Toggles quirks mode and keeps it enabled / disabled each time you join the server. | PN Tests | |
!grid | Toggles grid. | PN Tests | |
!(show)masks | Lights up nearby masks. | PN Tests | |
!showtimer | Toggles on-screen timer that shows how long you have been playing the test. | PN Tests | |
!jazz | Morphs you into Jazz. | PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena*** | |
!spaz | Morphs you into Spaz. | PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena*** | |
!lori | Morphs you into Lori. TSF required. | PN Relaxer, PN Streetfight*, PN Tests**, PN Arena*** | |
!hideplayers | Hides everyone else from your screen. | PN Tests | |
!lookaround | View the map around you without going into Spectator Mode. | PN Tests | |
!nodetail | Removes every layer of the level, except for layer 4. | PN Tests, PN Arena | |
!c (filename) | Cycles to a specified level. | PN Arena | |
!startgame | Prepares the game for a CTF match in the current level, followed by a countdown | PN Arena | |
!resetgame | Resets the game, including the time limit, scores, the carrot positions and re-spawns objects. | PN Arena | |
!resetsettings | Cycles to a level which reloads the default server settings. | PN Arena | |
!h (on/off) | Toggles "h?" mutator that automatically tells your teammates your health in chat. | PN Arena | |
!weaponmega (on/off) | Toggles "Weapon Mega" mutator. | PN Arena | |
!arcaneweapons (on/off) | Toggles "Arcane Weapons" mutator. | PN Arena | |
!uppercut (on/off) | Toggles "Uppercut" mutator that gives Jazz an improved version of his signature uppercut. | PN Arena | |
!mutespectators | Mutes all spectators who are currently in the server. | PN Arena | |
!unmutespectators | Unmutes all spectators who are currently muted. | PN Arena | |
!bind (number) (key) | Bind a weapon key to a key of your likings. Example: !bind 4 K will bind seekers to key K. | PN Arena | |
!resetbinds | Reverts the weapon keys to its original state: 1 for blaster, 2 for bouncers, etc. | PN Arena | |
!rndpick | Cycles to a random level from within the mappool. | PN Arena | |
!coinflip | Flips a coin for making decisions that no human being is capable of. | PN Arena | |
!spectate (on/off) | Enable or disables Spectator Mode. | PN Arena**** | |
!sent (on/off) | Toggles a mutator for changing team flags into country flags. Type colour=country when enabled. Ex: red=uk | PN Arena | |
![]() | !oldslope (on/off) | Restores the behaviour when going down the slopes by running off into the air instead of sticking to the floor. | PN Arena |
* This command is only available during pregame.
** This command is only available when player is wearing the [ini] tag.
*** This command is only available prior to the start of a game.
**** Spectator Mode can't be disabled during an ongoing game. However, an admin of any rank can
use /forcespectate (id) off to make the player join an ongoing game.
Command | Action | Server |
!showall | Shows the whole list of records for the current level. | PN Tests |
!export (filename) | Exports the records for the currently hosted test to a file specified. | PN Tests |
!import (filename) | Imports the records for the currently hosted test from a file specified. | PN Tests |
!renamerecord (id) (new name) | Renames the recordholder. | PN Tests |
!erase (player name) | Erases the record from the specified player. | PN Tests |
!remove (player name) | Removes the record from the specified player. | PN Tests |
!delete (player name) | Deletes the record from the specified player. | PN Tests |
!resetrating | Resets the rating for the current level. | PN Tests |
!mute (player ID) (minutes) (reason) | Mutes a player globally. Optionally, a time limit and reason can be added. | Any, except for PN Battle |
!unmute (player ID) | Unmutes a globally muted player. | Any, except for PN Battle |
!ban (player ID) (reason) | Bans a player from the server for one hour. Optionally, a reason can be added. | PN Arena |
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