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Did a player break the rules and got away with it? Don't hesitate and report!

The Puke Nukem Crew makes sure that nobody is misbehaving in any server. If a player or even a Crew Member does not follow the rules, he will risk a chance of getting (heavily) punished.

You can report a player when they broke any rule (e.g: cheating/spamming) and did not get punished.

Please take note that:

  • if a player broke rules in servers other than the Puke Nuk3m servers,
  • or you want the player to be punished for personal reasons,

the Crew Members will NOT take action to such reports.

If anyone started a flame war with you or started cheating or breaking the rules in any way, don't be stupid to do the same against that player, or you both will get punished. No matter who started!

Submitted Reports

Vegeta - Posted on 2022-08-04 19:06:59- Edit -
Reported player: Empive
Server: Puke Nuk3m Arena 1
Date: 2022-08-04
Abusing admin power, Chatlog is enough for sure.

Handled by ShakerNL
Had to search for the rest of the chatlog. I see that you were provoking Atena for no reason, which is not allowed on the server. If you have personal issues with someone, either fight it out on Discord or stay quiet in public servers. Empive did the right thing by muting you. Just be glad that you didn't get banned for bypassing your mute and try to behave the next time you join.

Status: rejected

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