[[Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 16:37:44]] **Current level: "EvilMike's Evil Test [TM]" - cache/JazzSpazTM.j2l **Game Mode: CTF **Custom Mode: OFF (loaded script module jazzspaztm.j2as) (loaded script module harmlessrf.mut) (loaded script module morphini.mut) (loaded script module mute.mut) (loaded script module nodetail.mut) (loaded script module seban.mut) (loaded script module seshowmasks.mut) (loaded script module seshowwarps.mut) (loaded script module sespamfilter.mut) (loaded script module unitmv1.2.mut) [16:37:45] This test has been made compatible with TSF. [16:41:07] *** [RO]Ionut joined the game [16:41:19] *** [RO]Ionut[1] left the game [16:42:44] 5 minutes left... [16:45:44] 2 minutes left... [16:45:50] *** Sfaizst CC joined the game [16:46:00] [Jety[16]]: hi [16:46:05] *** [RO]Ionut joined the game [16:46:05] Sfaizst CC[ini]: hi [16:46:08] [RO]Ionut[ini]: hi [16:46:44] 1 minute left... [16:46:46] [RO]Ionut[1]: you admin pna 3 [16:46:47] [RO]Ionut[1]: ? [16:47:12] *** [RO]Ionut[1] left the game [16:47:14] 30 seconds left... [16:47:29] 15 seconds left... [16:47:39] Pregame Ends in 5... [16:47:40] 4... [16:47:41] 3... [16:47:42] 2... [16:47:43] 1... [16:47:44] *** Pregame has ENDED [16:48:56] *** [RO]Ionut joined the game [16:49:00] Console: [RO]Ionut[ini] is now SPECTATING [16:49:11] NEW PERSONAL BEST! Jety finished the test in 11:11.657 [16:49:11] [RO]Ionut: the server dont work [16:49:13] [RO]Ionut: can reset ? [16:49:47] *** Sfaizst CC[2] left the game [16:49:55] *** [RO]Ionut left the game [16:51:06] *** [RO]Ionut joined the game [16:51:18] *** [RO]Ionut[1] left the game [16:52:50] Console: Time Left until game ends has been RESET [16:53:44] >> Always Running has been ENABLED [16:54:16] *** [RO]Ionut joined the game [16:54:25] Console: [RO]Ionut[1] is now SPECTATING [16:54:33] *** [RO]Ionut left the game [16:58:50] 15 minutes left... [17:01:14] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:01:18] Console: Jety's sharved Pussy is now SPECTATING [17:01:48] NEW PERSONAL BEST! Jety finished the test in 8:56.928 [17:01:54] Console: Time Left until game ends has been RESET [17:02:57] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:02:58] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:02:59] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:00] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:01] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:02] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:02] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:03] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:05] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:05] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:06] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:08] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:09] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:09] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:11] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:12] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:12] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:13] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:14] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:15] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:16] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:17] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:18] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:19] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:33] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:35] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:35] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:03:36] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:03:39] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game [17:04:05] *** Jety's sharved Pussy joined the game [17:04:06] *** Jety's sharved Pussy left the game