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The Rules

Last update: September 11th, 2019

To keep the Puke Nuk3m servers a nice, fair and friendly place for everyone, we will all have to follow the rules.

  1. General Server Rules

    1. Do not spam or flood the server chat.
    2. Do not ask for Crew membership (admin access). You may apply for Crew membership through the website when there are open registrations. If there aren't any open registrations, it means that we do not need a new Crew Member at this time. In special occasions, you may be asked personally to join the Crew.
    3. You are not allowed to discriminate others based on race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
    4. Do not start a flame war with others. Personal attacks are strictly prohibited. If someone is annoying you, you can mute the person with the /mute command or you can report the person to a Crew Member.
    5. Bypassing a temporary ban or mute will result in a heavier punishment.
    6. Do not use someone else's nickname.
    7. It is not allowed to use applications that are made for cheating or any application that may give you an advantage over other players. (e.g: c00l h4x, Ultrawarp, Jazz Advantage, Cheat Engine, etc.) This rule does not apply for Puke Nuk3m Relaxer.
    8. Any attempt to lag, crash or hack any Puke Nuk3m server will result in a heavy punishment.
    9. ShakerNL may deviate from these rules at any time for any reason.

  2. Depending upon the act of behaviour, a punishment may vary from something minor to something major. It may consist of the following actions: a global mute from the server chat, removal of ranks, removal from the server, a (temporary) ban from the Puke Nuk3m server(s) or a permanent block from the server's firewall.

  3. Puke Nuk3m Tests

    1. You are not allowed to use any form of cheats that may give you an advantage in getting a better record in tests.
    2. It is strictly prohibited to get a record in any test using someone else's nickname. No matter if the person allowed you to.
    3. If you find a bug in a level that makes it possible to skip one of more levels and get a faster record than playing all levels like it is supposed to be, you should inform a Crew Member about it.
      Abusing such bug may result in a punishment.
    4. If you change your nickname (different clan tag, fûñkÿ writing or a totally different nickname), be aware that the records you have set with your previous nickname(s) won't change along.
      Duplicate records will be erased and the record with the fastest time will be kept.
    5. Although it is reasonable that people may update their nickname every once in a while, but players who update their nickname too frequently will be banned from setting ranks.
    6. Using the !forcenext command does not break any rule, but it is not allowed to be selfish and use it often much while other players are still trying to pass a test. If a certain amount of players complain about it too often, you may get punished for it.

  4. Puke Nuk3m Relaxer

    1. You are free to use cheats only in this server, as long as nobody minds it. However, trying to lag, crash or hack the server in any way is not allowed.

  5. Puke Nuk3m Streetfight

    1. Wallclimbing to avoid getting hit is not allowed and will result in a punishment.

  6. Puke Nuk3m Arena

    1. Do not interrupt ongoing games. (i.e: spectating off during a game, unless players don't mind it.)
    2. Do not abuse commands on others. (i.e: force spectating or killing someone for fun.)
    3. You are not allowed to share any admin password that has been given to you through this website. Doing so will result in losing your admin access and may even result in a (temporary) ban from the Puke Nuk3m servers.
    4. Players who are playing a competitive match (ladder or clan war) may request for the spectators to leave the server. They are also free to lower the max players until the match ends.

  7. Rules regarding the website

    1. Do not create multiple accounts. If you have lost your password, contact ShakerNL to reset it for you.
    2. If your unban request has not been approved yet or has been declined, do not create a new account to submit a new request.
    3. When creating an account on the website, please use the same nickname that you commonly use in-game, so that Crew Members can recognise you.

  8. These rules may change at any time. If so, you may be notified about it and will probably have to accept the rule changes.

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